Kittens caring for them. This book will help you with raising them.
"...a concise, easy-to-understand book. I wish it could accompany every kitten going to a new home." -- Kitty Angell, Cat Fanciers Association Allbreed judge"...a must-read for anyone ... who already know the joys of living with cats." -- Lenny Southam, DVM, author of"A wealth of information for first-time kitten owners. Amy Shojai shows you how to enjoy kittenhood." -- Pam Johnson-Bennett, feline behaviorist and author"There are ... no questions left to ask about ... caring for a kitten after one has read
How to raise a puppy? It is always good to get advice on how to.
The 1981 edition (now out of print) of this little classic on puppy rearing was a word-of-mouth best seller. This substantially revised and expanded edition benefits from an additional decade of observation of puppy behavior by its authors and includes effective, up-to-date methods for educating puppies to become good canine citizens. Along with Job Michael Evans's The Evans Guide for Housetraining Your Dog (Howell, 1987), this is required reading for new puppy owners. Whether the copy still in circulation
It is very important to have kittens and puppies checked out and have their shots updated.
Your vet will keep a record of them for you. They will notify you when their due for another shot.
Vacinations need to be given in order to protect your pet from diseases.
best, longfield This is a good thing.