Target military hero dog.

Target military hero dog.  Watching a video: Hero dog from Afghanistan mistakenly killed -

Smoke detector for carbon monoxide alarm.

Smoke detector for carbon monoxide alarm.
First Alert Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm - SC01CN3

This is very a  important purchase.  If you want safety for your family and pets. Please buy one.
Make sure your detector it is in working condition.
Some who have had detectors for like 5 to 10 years may need to be replace.
Smoke detectors batteries need to be checked periodical and replaced for safety reasons.

College students living off campus or in a dorm room need a detector.
You just never know.  Pack one into to your college students pack.  Always make sure there are working detectors within their dorms.  When renting off campus some apartments do not check their detector or not even have one.
Just to be  on the safe side pack a smoke detector.

Safety first for your pets. Notify your local fire department that you have a pet in the house.
Another good idea is to put a label or sticker on your exterior window were your pet is located.
These are just a few ideas for prevention and safety for the whole family.
Check those batteries....
Regards,  Longfield

Grooming for your pets.

Grooming is one important area in the upkeep of any pet.  It can get expensive from bathing, trimming nails, combing, and cutting your dogs hair.
When getting any pet concern its upkeep in costs.  Should your pet require a lot of consent grooming this needs to be taken into consideration. 
They do have grooming businesses that will either board a pet but also do your grooming as well for a set fee.  Sometimes you can get a dscount deal with these businesses.
You can board your pet on a daily basis while your at work or on vacation.
It can get expensive so decide first,hat breed that will fit your budget?

PetPerks free $200. coupon savings kit.

PetPerks free $200. coupon savings kit.  Big monthly savings for members only free signup.
Email notice specials receive a birthday greetings for your pets.
Internet online memberships only benefits with their email newsletter.
Online membership private access to online and in store sales.
Pet care articles.
Special pet articles with online account management.
Enjoy these benefits for your pets.
Free sign up memberships by joining PetPerts on the PetSmart website.

No pet should be left unattended in a car.

No pet should be left unattended in a car. During these hot summer days.  It's dangerous even for your pets.
Even in cold weather it can be dangerous if pets are left outside to long.
During the summer months never chain a pet in direct sunlight and always have plenty of water available for drinking.  They should be kept in a shady area.
Pets should have a fenced in yard high enough for them not to escape over.
When outside check up on them to make should their ok especial during the hotter part of the summer.
Indoor pets should have either open windows or fans going if the house is hot.  Sometimes if your away during the day putting them in a basement area were it tends to be cooler.
Do not over exert pets.
Sometimes spraying with some cool  water onto their fur is cooling also. 
Just a good thing to be cautious for the safety of our loved pets.
their are dog walkers who will come in during the day to either walk your dog or other services are available.
For birds inside in cages make sure they are out of direct sun light.  Even the outside birds could use some bird feed and bird baths are a good idea.  They would be so thankful for your efforts.
So I will say before hand a great big thank you from all pets.

Safety first...
Have a good summer.... Regards,
Enhanced by Zemanta

Buckle up your pets when in a car or motor cycle.

Buckle up your pets when in a car or motor cycle. Even when on a bicycle because a car could hit you or your pet while out on the road.

It's a good thing for everyone to take precautions when concerning your loved pets. Protective helmets that motorcyclist or cyclist should be worn.

It will cost you but it will save your loved pets from further injuries.
Prevention is the cure for those getting hurt from accidents.

Never leave a pet unattended in a parked vehicle during  cold or hot weather.
Just a reminder that things could go wrong but by being careful when your pet is with you either in a car or on a bike.

You and your pets safety should come first at all times.Your pets depend on you for that purpose by using common sense preventive measures of protection.
Enjoy the great outdoors for you and your pets safety comes first.

PetCo supports adoption first.

PetCo offers pet services.
Pet supplies
Signup get newsletters.
Nutrition Center
PetCo Pals find out about this program.
(Save a Pet Donate your cell phones.)
Find out more by going their PetCo site.
they support adopting a pet first at most animal shelters and also provides kits along with coupon savings.
Thanks for supporting adoption first.

PetCo supports adoption first. PetCo supports adoption first.

National adoption weekend Saturday and Sunday June 19th thru 20th.
go to their link to find out more....
free shipping...

Paw Nation/five-great-natural-pet-products

Pet products made from organic ingredients either food products.
Products made from organic materials used in toys, shampoos, medications and treats.
These products have been reviewed on the site.
Ask a vet.
grooming tips.
pet health
toys / treats
food and nutrition
product reviews.
Recommended pet sites for you to check out.

Great post on Paw Nation!

It's good to give.

It's good to give. When you purchase a box of Milk bones a donation will be made to the foundation.

The journey cross county benefit for basset hound rescue.

The journey cross county benefit for basset hound rescue. For Marshall Lee and his best friend a basset hound antigone . Because she was rescued from a puppy mill.
He is unemployed professor from Chicago travel cross country to San Francisco on a three wheel bike with an attached carrier for Anigone.
It's been an adventure for both of them travelling route66.
Marshall has been keeping a daily journal of their trip and experiences along the way. This is to draw attention to basset hound rescues.
This is a fasnating tale weathy reading.
Here is his site:

Dog race tracks are closing across the country.

Dog race tracks are closing across the country. DairyLand greyhound race track is one of them located in Wisconsin. These greyhound dogs need to be adopted the track just closed down. There is a need for adoption of these greyhounds.
For further information go to this website. Adopt a greyhound.

Buying any pet check shelters first.

Buying any pet check shelters first. Find out from friends were the best shelters are located. Go to a couple shelters and find out for yourself. See the parking
lot is it filled are there a lot of people in the shelters waiting room. These are all signs that can let your know that the shelters are popular.

Some pet shops are associated with puppy mills. These mills provide sickly animals. They get this way from a lack of healthy pet care. Breeding is done without concerns for the animals physical health. So make sure if either buying the pet over the Internet or from a pet shop. Just make sure you get some references from friends or associates first.

Do not buy any animal without checking these areas of first. You will save yourself a lot of grief not only for yourself but also for these Innocent animals. This will in turn help close down all illegal puppy mills facilities.